Is Your Phone Consuming Data Too Much? Fix it Here
One of
the most annoying thing every smartphone user normally complain of is
mostly related to data not been enough; or your device zapping data
Have got a permanent solution to all those whose data don’t last on your
device. It is an anathema for you to have 3GB of data today and two(2)
days after, you are crying for data loss because some insane “Ogaz” on
your device judiciously consume your data without your notice.
If you fall in the category of people whose data don’t last on device,
then grab a seat with a chill cup of Hollandia Yoghut as I pilot you on how to solve this problem.
How Can I Reduce Data Consumption on my Smartphone?
==>Restrict App Update Only to Wifi: Apps on your device iOS or Android
are automatically designed to update whenever they perceive the smell
of internet access. And most atimes, apps update are large when
updating; so restrict all apps update to Wifi only.
For Android users, From the Play Store app's main screen, head to the side navigation menu and choose "Settings" to get started. From here, select the "Auto-update apps" option, then choose "Auto-update apps over Wi-Fi only."
iOS users should know how to go around with that from general settings.
==>No root Firewall: This application
helps you to control internet access or all your apps including
background apps running aimlessly without your notice. Once your download and install it, you’ll see all the apps illegally consuming your data, then you can choose to block whichever you want.