How to Hack websites(deface)Using Your Android phones

How to Hack websites(deface)Using Your Android phones

Hi Pals, Android systems are realy moving Hackerz to da next level, you dont need series of coding now, just read on..
We will be using an application called DroidSQLi to hack SQL injection vulnerable websites with our phone.
So all we need are 3 things.
1.) DroidSQLi application installed on our android phone
2.) SQLi vulnerable website
3.) and obviously an android phone.
1. first of all DOWNLOAD Droidsqli tool . It is a first automated SQL Injection exploitation tool for mobile phones.
It supports the following type of injections.
Union Based Injection Blind Injectin
Error Based Injection Time Based Injection
2. All you need to do is enter the vulnerable website under Target URL and press on inject button.

3. The App will automatically select the best possible injection.
Thanks Always visit naijafansblog


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