Latest MTN jumia: 125 free mb cheat [Back&Very Hot]

The old mtn jumia tweak which offers you free 100 mb for each site is now back and better the old codes aren’t working anymore that’s why I made research where mtn could kept the package as I was trying to subscribe to mtn 2go goodybag,I found the code back which is *662*7#
which means mtn intensionally move the package from where everybody knows.
Asap! Without wasting much of our time…
Subscribe for jumia package by dialing *662*7*3*3#
you can subscribe manually by dialing *662*7#
after you subscribed to one month which is approximately 24hrs
Now, open your simple server and configure it with
How will you do that ?
just open the folder containing simple server and open the simpleserver.ini file it will launch notepad, replace everywhere you see with open the .exe file,the real simple server software and minimize it
Wait for it to get ready…after that, connect your modem and browse till you finish the mb
Note /b>
Remember to Set IP and port like this
How do you set this ?
Navigate to your browser either Mozilla,safari,opera…find settings panel you can find the Mozilla settings panel via tool>option>option then navigate to advance tab click on network tick use manual proxy and input the configuration above.
Tick use proxy for blablabla (whatever) then save it by clicking OK button.
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10 responses to "Latest MTN jumia: 125 free mb cheat [Back&Very Hot]"
saxwizard on 07:00 AM, 28-Mar-15
not browsing but the mb wss crediteddee on 08:40 AM, 28-Mar-15
wat abt for androiddee on 03:25 PM, 28-Mar-15
pls wic migration did they giv people mb in glo simAugustine on 08:51 AM, 29-Mar-15
wat abt android..i open my simple server on android but its not workingashade on 10:13 AM, 29-Mar-15
use d mb for freedom is blazing very well now ,thank to freebrowsing.heck.inBlackysolo on 10:43 AM, 29-Mar-15
Why are day not free call like free moneysdqumar on 12:25 PM, 29-Mar-15
Where can I see simple server folder plsnelson11592 on 12:56 PM, 31-Mar-15
I dont get it ooooMike G on 09:34 PM, 03-Apr-15
Subscribe for d jumia and other bundle by dialin *662*7#. Afer dialin d code u wil see jumia and other plans. Select jumia monthly plan which is a free trial plan. U can also select the other plans like hellofood monthly plan etc.Mike G on 09:47 PM, 03-Apr-15
Dial*662*7# and subscribe for all the plan you see there i.e from jumia, hellofood (monthly trial) each monthly trial you subscribe to gives you 100mb and they are 6 to 7 in numbers…the 100mb can only work with this site
Meaning that aside of the above site, it won’t work.So if you already have Simple server, open it or download it.Open it and replace anywhere you see or with
For PC users, download Simple Server.exe ... Then set your browser to manual proxy to port 8080.
Finally, this 100mb will only allow you once for a life time since its trial;
so if you have more sims, keep repeating the same process to keep enjoying free 100MB i.e 700mb in total.